
My name is Alessandro and I am a statistician by training, data enthusiast, nature lover, and pizza person.
I am currently working as a Principal Statistical Methodologist at Red Door Analytics in Stockholm, Sweden.
I am also an affiliated researcher at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Karolinska Institutet, a co-chair of the openstatsware
working group, and an associate editor for the journal Biostatistics.
I hold a PhD in biostatistics from the University of Leicester. Previous to that, I studied biostatistics and experimental statistics at the University of Milano-Bicocca, and statistics and computing technologies at the University of Padua.
My background is mostly methodological, covering the areas of survival analysis, correlated data analysis and multilevel modelling, statistical simulation and computational statistics, with a pinch of statistical software development and causal inference here and there. My PhD focussed on the analysis of electronic health records, exploring biases and studying the performance of modern analytical methods; my thesis is openly available online from the Leicester Thesis Archive. Moreover, I have extensive data analysis and research experience in collaborative settings, having worked in academic settings for about a decade now. As a researcher, I care deeply about using robust and reproducible analysis methods, tools, and pipelines to obtain high-quality and reliable results. I constantly strive to keep improving these aspects of my work, and I strongly support the idea of doing less research, better research. Finally, you can find a list of my scientific contributions on Google Scholar; a copy of my CV is available here.
I also enjoy creating, developing, refining, and improving tools in R to empower other researchers and build more open, more powerful, and more reproducible data analysis pipelines.
I am a proud contributor to open-source packages: I expand on software packages I developed (and contributed to) in the software section of this website.
To this end, I am currently co-chair and member of openstatsware
, formerly known as the ASA Biopharmaceutical Section (ASA BIOP) Software Engineering Working Group and now recognised by both ASA BIOP and by EFSPI, the European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Other things I enjoy, in no particular order: basketball, the joy of food (from eating to cooking to sharing), travelling, technology, podcasts, typography, and of course, all things data. Pizza holds a special place in my heart, deserving an honourable mention. When the weather permits, I like running, cycling, and hiking, and I wish I had more time to read all the books from my backlog and catch up with all the video games I haven't played in the past decade or so.
Keen to connect?
Feel free to drop me an e-mail at alessandro(at)ellessenne.xyz
Alternatively, I go by ellessenne
on almost every platform you can think of.
Looking forward to hearing from you!